What we do
DairyLink work with local farmers, processors and distributors to serve schools and kitchens with local milk and dairy products.
We specialise in the Education Sector and therefore offer a hands on service to all schools and caterers. We support your local milkmen, therefore sustaining their business and the local economy and community. We bring farmers into the classroom for educational purposes to talk to children about farming.
For Local Education Authorities we tender for the milk contracts working with your local suppliers to offer you lower food miles, reduced carbon emissions and footprint, thus offering a more sustainable and environmentally friendly supply chain.
For the caterers in schools, we offer support with healthy eating and drinking days such as 'Calcium Awareness' events, offering nutritional support and guidance on the benefits of dairy in the childrens' diet..
For schools and Local Education Authorities who require assistance with the subsidised milk claims, then please feel free to get in touch today.